Governance & Scheme of Delegation (Academies)
The Role of Governors
In England there are over 300,000 School/Academy Governors, who form the largest volunteer force in the country.
Members of Academy Governing Bodies work collectively to perform a strategic role and carry out various key functions, including:
- Discuss and set aims and objectives for the Academy;
- Ratify the required policies for achieving those aims and objectives;
- Approve/Agree the required targets for achieving those aims and objectives;
- Monitor and evaluate the progress that the Academy is making towards its set aims and objectives.
The role of the Academy Governor is to provide challenge and support to the Principal, i.e. be a 'critical friend'.
The Governing Body of Harris Westminster Sixth Form
The Academy is a member of the Harris Federation. Ultimate responsibility for the Academy rests with the Board of Trustees of the Federation (Federation governance details and scheme of delegation can be found here) but much of the work of the Board is delegated to the Academy Governing Body which is comprised of the Governors of the Academy. Some Governors are appointed by the Federation whilst others are elected by parents or carers of students at the Academy, or by staff. The details of the Governors at Harris Westminster Sixth Form are shown below.
- The Chair of the Academy Governing Body is Mr John Colenutt. Mr Colenutt can be contacted at Harris Westminster Sixth Form's address or via the Clerk to the Governing Body
- The Safeguarding Governor is Ms Rebecca Hickey
- The Clerk to the Governing Body is Ms Frances O'Donnell who can be contacted on 0203 772 4555
Get Information About Schools:
Name | Date of Appointment | Term of Office | Resignation Date | Appointed as | Business and Pecuniary Interests |
Meetings attended 2023-24 |
Mr John Colenutt |
16/03/2020 (reappointed 16/03/2024) |
4 Years |
N/A |
Chair of Governors |
Westminster School - Governor Mobilise Care Ltd - Director and COO |
4/4 (FGB) 3/3 (F&GPC) |
Mr James Handscombe |
01/05/2014 | Ex-officio | N/A |
Ex-Officio (Executive Principal) |
None |
4/4 (FGB) 3/3 (F&GPC) |
Ms Claire Scott | 19/04/2022 | Ex-officio | N/A |
Ex-Officio (Principal) |
None |
4/4 (FGB) 3/3 (F&GPC) |
Professor Margaret Dallman | 29/03/2022 | 4 Years | N/A | Sponsor Governor | None |
0/4 (FGB)
Ms Francesca David | 17/11/2023 | 2 Years | N/A | Parent Governor | None | 3/3 (FGB) |
Mr Michael Hamill | 14/01/2025 | 2 Years | N/A | Parent Governor | None | N/A |
Ms Rebecca Hickey | 01/04/2022 | 4 Years | N/A | Sponsor Governor |
Harris Federation - Directory of Secondary Education Farmington Trust - Trustee |
4/4 (FGB) 2/3 (F&GPC) |
Mr Abdullah Khan | 25/01/2025 | 2 Years | N/A | Alumni Governor | None | N/A |
Sir Dan Moynihan |
01/05/2014 (reappointed 01/05/2018) (reappointed 01/05/2022) |
4 Years | N/A | Sponsor Governor |
Harris Federation - CEO Djanogly Learning Trust - Board Trustee |
Governor responsibilities discharged via Federation scrutiny and monitoring |
Dr Jan Novotny |
01/09/2017 (reappointed 01/09/2021) |
4 Years | N/A |
Sponsor Governor, Chair of F&GPC |
None |
4/4 (FGB) 2/3 (F&GPC) |
Mr Yogesh Patel | 21/02/2022 | 4 Years | N/A | Sponsor Governor |
Coutts & Company - Managing Director London Marathon Charitable Trust - Trustee |
4/4 (FGB) 3/3 (F&GPC) |
Dr Gary Savage |
01/09/2020 (reappointed 01/09/2024) |
4 Years | N/A | Sponsor Governor |
Westminster School - Head Master Arnold House Prep School - Governor |
4/4 (FGB) |
Mr Andrew Scott-Taggart |
01/05/2014 (reappointed 01/05/2018) (reappointed 01/09/2022) |
4 Years | N/A |
Sponsor Governor |
None |
3/4 (FGB) |
Mr Patrick Street | 05/12/2024 | 4 Years | N/A | Sponsor Governor | None | N/A |
Dr Michael Sulu |
16/03/2020 (reappointed 16/03/2024) |
4 Years | N/A | Sponsor Governor | University College London - Lecturer | 4/4 (FGB) |
Ms Ella Taylor | 05/06/2023 | 4 Years | N/A | Staff Governor | None | 4/4 (FGB) |
Ms Katherine Wade | 17/11/2023 | 2 Years | N/A | Parent Governor | None | 3/4 (FGB) |
Sir Ralph Waller |
01/09/2018 (reappointed 01/09/2022) |
4 Years | N/A |
Sponsor Governor Vice Chair of Governors |
Westminster College Oxford Trust - Chair Thrombosis Research Institute Trust - Trustee Ely Cathedral Trust - Trustee MGC Futures Trust - Trustee SPCK - Vice President Ramsbury Manor Trust - Advisor The Farmington Institute - Director |
3/4 (FGB) |
Resigned in last 12 months: | ||||||
Ms Jamie Clifford | 25/01/2023 | 24/01/2025 | Alumni Governor | None | 2/4 (FGB) |
Governor Link Responsibilities
Governor | Link Responsibility |
Mr Andrew Scott-Taggart | SEND, Equality Diversity and Inclusion, UCAS |
Ms Rebecca Hickey | Safeguarding; Health & Safety |
Dr Mike Sulu | Equality, Diversity and Inclusion |
Dr Gary Savage | Westminster School Representative |
Mr Yogesh Patel | Medical Needs |
Ms Francesca David | Sustainability |
2024/25 Meetings
Remembrance Term | 2024 |
Full Governing Body Meeting | Monday 16th September 2024: 2pm |
Finance and General Purposes Committee | Monday 11th November 2024: 1pm |
Full Governing Body Meeting | Monday 2nd December 2024: 2pm |
Resilience Term | 2025 |
Finance and General Purposes Committee | Monday 3rd March 2025: 1pm |
Full Governing Body Meeting | Monday 17th March 2025: 2pm |
Celebration Term | 2025 |
Finance and General Purposes Committee | Monday 2nd June 2025: 1pm |
Full Governing Body Meeting | Monday 16th June 2025: 2pm |