Latest News
Posted on March 22nd 2023
Parent Information Evening
Tuesday 21 March saw our parent information session on 'Sex and relationships'.
The slides from the evening can be viewed here.
Inspiring conversation with the @Portal_Trust: completely in line with our aims to ensure that all students can succeed, irrespective of their academic backgrounds
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Mr Handscombe visited some of our alumni at @cambridgeuniversity yesterday. Lovely to see them enjoying themselves and embracing their love of learning. @ Cambridge, UK
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We're #hiring for an Assistant Principal - please visit the Harris Careers page for more information.
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CPD for Art History teachers led by our very own Rosa Goodman @nationalgallery
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What has been happening this week: Featuring workshops on sustainability, a reflection on the privilege of education and the Judgement of Paris
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Posted on March 22nd 2023
Tuesday 21 March saw our parent information session on 'Sex and relationships'.
The slides from the evening can be viewed here.