Latest News
Posted on March 6th 2023
Record-breaking Oxbridge offers at Harris Westminster Sixth Form
49 Harris Westminster Sixth Form students have received offers for the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. This is a record-breaking number for HWSF and equals, if not exceeds, the offers achieved by a series of top Independent schools last year.
Ten of those with offers are in receipt of the government’s Pupil Premium, a scheme based on their eligibility for Free School Meals. In total last year, just 60 students on the Pupil Premium received offers from Oxford and Cambridge and ten came from HWSF alone.
These are not contextual offers and will be dependent on students achieving the required grades. We will be doing everything within our power to support them and the other students in their cohort, who have - without exception - set their sights on exciting and ambitious futures.
Harris Westminster Sixth Form is a state school that exists to provide an outstanding education to able students from ordinary and disadvantaged backgrounds: we have students from every borough in London. 1 in 3 children come from families who earn less than £20,000 and the education offered at HWSF is crucial in breaking the link between socio-economic background and life chances.
So much of what we do at Harris Westminster is down to donor support - without this help we wouldn't be able to offer our young people the inspiring, challenging education that we do. To find out more about supporting HWSF, email Emily Clarke, our Head of Fundraising, on