Latest News
Posted on January 30th 2024
Harris Westminster in the Times for record breaking Oxbridge offers
Congratulations to the 57 students who have offers to Oxford and Cambridge next year. We are very proud of them, and they are, quite rightly, very proud of themselves. That equates to 18% of the cohort holding an offer to one of these institutions, which is a phenomenal number.
Oxford and Cambridge aren’t everything though and I’d also like to take this opportunity to congratulate all students who are receiving offers from the variety of excellent universities that have been applied to. At the time of writing this (2 days before the UCAS application deadline), our Year 13 students currently hold 26 offers for Durham, 28 offers to the University of York, 53 offers to Queen Mary University of London, 23 offers to the University of Bath, 36 offers to the University of Exeter, and 47 offers to the University of Warwick, to name just a few. And the offers are still rolling in!
Please click here to see the article featured in the Times.